Atria Brokers to speak at Argus Fertilizer Europe Conference
Recently the main question, asked by fertilizers producers, was when the price for Ukrainian corn will stop its increase. Since end of August and till 10 October, Ukrainian corn CPT buyers’ ideas gained about 27 USD to 207 USD/MT and pushed other commodities also up. Watching the bullish movement, farmers were reserved sellers of their stuff and also reserved buyers of fertilizers. Since the start of previous week, wind of change sounds visited the market. CPT corn buying ideas gave up and started their decrease. Fertilizer sellers sighed with relief. They expect that finally farmers will activate the sales of corn and other commodities and improve buying of fertilizer purchases.
More information about the correlation of agricommodities prices with fertilizers will be provided by Yan Kozyrytskyi CEO, Atria Brokers within the Argus Fertilizer Europe Conference in Athens, Greece on 22-24 October 2024.